The Grey

I am not ready for summer to be over but I am looking forward to autumn. It is that weird in between place. The grey area, thats how I like to think about the in between. I have realized very little in my life is black and white, so much is just grey. I use to wait to move forward until things were perfect, such and such had to be in place before I made moves toward certain goals. In my life, if I continued to operate like that, very little would get accomplished.

In the grey and unknown is where I get closer to God. I learn to lean on Him and look to the Bible for truth. When I cant see my way through the fog, all I can do is trust God and so I learn to walk by faith, not by sight. And you know what, I am moving more than ever before. It’s not busy movement, its purposeful movement, which is sometimes very slow movement but it is growth.

My life is feeling extra full these days, it is exciting! My sister is getting married, my husband and I are starting some major home renovations, we are preparing for Luke to enter Senior Kindergarten (basically I am just trying to get a hold of the emotions I have around my children growing) and I am launching a new branch of my business with HAL SOCIALS. We are rolling with the punches, working as a team (sometimes arguing) and learning as we go, fumbling through the grey, walking by faith, giving and receiving grace and trusting God every step of the way.


Rebekah Lyons said it beautifully on the WHOA Thats Good Podcast, she described the difference between vulnerability and transparency. Transparency is sharing something we have gone through and what we have learned from the situation. Vulnerability is sharing something we are currently in the middle of and have figured out yet.


So much of what I am walking through right now, I have not figured out yet. Just doing my best each day. It is a crazy wild ride and I honestly love it!

I think if we can meet in this vulnerable place, this grey area, we can be stronger in our walks through the unknown. There is purpose and power in it all.

Are you going through any grey areas in your life? I would love for you to share them below.




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Photos by L.B. Imagery