Discipline Is Love

Do you want to make changes to your nutrition but you don’t want to follow a nutrition plan because you feel it will be too restrictive or possibly even triggering?
I have been there, I am actually there every time I decide to go back to the basics and recommit to a nutrition plan.
In the past I have struggled with anorexia, bulimia and finding my worth in the number on the scale. So when we think about being triggered by food, I have been there.
In this season of life, I don’t WANT to limit my coffee or the chocolate I sneak after dinner while I wash the dishes or up my intake of vegetables and reduce my intake of carbs.
What I do WANT is to feel energized in my mind and body. I do WANT to sleep well. I do WANT regular bowel movements. I do WANT to serve enthusiastically everyday!
There is always a trade off and I have experienced the freedom of not restricting and I have experienced the freedom in following a plan AND there is a season for everything and right now, I am in my loving and thriving in discipline season because it produces the results I TRULY want. The feel good I really desire.
”No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.“
Hebrews 12:11 NIV
When I work through a nutrition plan, my weaknesses and vices with food are exposed, as I put in good, the not so good rises to the surface. I come face to face with discomfort and I have two options; I can face it and take that hurt I am trying to numb with coffee and chocolate, to the Lord or I can get scared and make an excuse as to why following a plan is too triggering.
Your triggers are trying to teach you something.
What if you can heal through acknowledging the trigger and getting curious about it and inviting Jesus into that hurt?!
What I continually learn from following a nutrition program is that sometimes I start using food as a coping mechanism to avoid my feelings and that is counter productive to how I actually want to feel and act. The coping mechanism actually hurts me and keeps me stuck. I need help. The BODi Nutrition program is a guide, my community is my support and the Lord is my strength. When I submit to the work that needs to be done to cause the change and trust God to carry me through, I experience the growth I want. Enter - enthusiastic energy, motivation and confidence!
I have also learned that true growth can’t be achieved if perfection is the desired destination. Perfection does not exist and so it’s the lowest standard that will simply cause me to give up. The idea of perfection is a sure way to actually fail so we gotta kick that to the curb and be ninjas of discovering progress. Collect the data and track! I know, who has time to track but tracking on the BODi app is so time efficient and collecting that data unlocks your brain to be aware and learn!
If you’re still reading this, this is for you! You can do this! You know how you want to feel! You know what you need to do! You just need a little support and guidance, this step you are about to take is possibly the most courageous and important one in your journey. You are going to send me a message and tell me you are ready to make some changes to your self care and you want to learn more about our nutrition plans. You might feel your stomach flop or get sweaty as you send this message, again, I have been there but I am going to meet you with congratulations and then with excitement, ask you lots of questions to help you go deep on your desires so we can build the momentum to get you going on a plan that’s right for you!
You know what you need to do, now do it!
Let’s grow!
Chat soon,