What Our Elf On The Shelf Did Last December

Please say hello to our Elf On The Shelf Chris, after Chris Hadfield of course.

Chris has been with us for a few years, I love it when Chris comes to stay for December. He is mostly a helpful elf, as you will see from the photos below. Sometimes he makes a mess but for the most part, he is helpful and fun. He has been known to fold laundry and wash the dinner dishes that get left in the sink when everyone goes to bed. He is adventurous when accomplishing chores so its always fun to learn how he got the job done and it is always appreciated when he lends a hand. I love seeing all the Elf adventures on my friend’s Instagram accounts. You can follow Chris’s adventures this year on my Instagram here and if your elf needs a little positive inspiration, make sure you send them this post before they visit you this December.