Is it ok for our children to feel sad?

Is it ok for our children to experience melancholy? 

Is it ok to give them space to process their emotions? 

Their sadness could cause us as parent’s discomfort but that’s not their responsibility to fix. 

Am I confident enough in the Lord to stand in the discomfort of my children experiencing sad emotions, and allow them to walk through it and learn to process it, while I stand back and let them grow? 

I need to be ok being uncomfortable long enough, to allow them space to process their emotions in a safe environment, not feeling wrong for how they feel or like they need to hide how they feel.

Life is challenging for everyone at times. 

Am I creating a safe space where my children can explore all their emotions? 

Do I trust God to comfort them and help them through? 

Am I ok with them not being ok sometimes? 

Is this about my discomfort with imperfection and control or their own life experience and learning about different emotions? 

It’s not always about me. 


The mother in codependent & perfectionist recovery