For All The Adults Raising Children

For All The Adults Raising Children

Last week I was reading from one of our Children’s Bibles “The Fiend Of Little Children” from The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally LLoyd-Jones (Jesus and the children, from Matthew 18, 19, Mark 10, Luke 18). Its the one where the kids come to hang with Jesus, the disciples try to tell them to leave and Jesus reminds his disciples “Be like these children. They are the most important in my kingdom.”

I was having a morning where I was feeling unimportant and as I read that last line in the story I was pulled out of my self pity. I have been charged with the great responsibility of raising the most important in God’s kingdom! I just love children’s Bible stories, you just can not miss the message and it often forces me to take a hard look in the mirror and then have a good chat with God about some things I need to work on.

This message is not just for mothers, its for anyone who speaks into the lives of children. Us parents need teachers, aunts, uncles, coaches, to do this job well, the responsibility of raising our next generation rests on the entire village.

I get lost in the continuous lunch making, laundry folding and house cleaning but it is all extraordinarily important. The small things are so large to the little ones who watch from the sidelines because they are always learning how they should go.

I don’t know about you, but I like to feel important, I like to feel valuable and like to know my daily work is worth something. Sometimes it is hard for me to see the big picture and how all of my little daily responsibilities will add up for my children and the children I have the blessing to lead.

This children’s Bible story, ignited a fire in me that sometimes gets blown out by the monotony of everyday life. My work is important, all of my work as a wife and mother is important. I was created as the answer and with God as my ever present helper, I will complete my work with passion and creativity everyday.

My head explodes daily with ideas and goals for my work as a Creator but I remind myself that in this phase, I am home to serve my family first. At times it is glamorous and exciting and other times I clean mouse poop out of the cabinets. This phase has a purpose for myself and my children and I am doing my best to embrace it but reminders from my Heavenly Father about my worth are always welcome.

I know this message wasn’t just for me, I know there are other mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, coaches, dance teachers, teachers, giving of themselves, showing up early everyday and hitting walls wondering why they are doing so. Your work will produce great fruit. Don’t forget, we are caring for God’s most important creations in His kingdom, children.


