To The Sisters, Brothers & Friends Who Don't Have Kids Yet

To the sisters, brothers and friends who don't have kids yet but still want to hang, THANK YOU! You are important, a life line and while we may not say it as often as we should, we could not do parenthood without you.

Thank you for:

the visits even though our conversations are broken

loving my children even though their noses are running and my baby cries when you hold her

bringing me coffee and food

meeting me at the park so my child can play while we try to catch up

not judging my messy house

holding my baby while I throw in a load of laundry

being patient with me when I need to cancel because someone is sick

just being an extra set of hands and eyes

for caring enough to ask me questions about my kids

I love you so much and if you decide to have children of your own one day, I will be the first one to bring you food and clean your house, when you bring your babies home.
