Last weekend Tyler and I had the pleasure of attending our friends wedding, the ceremony was one of the best wedding services I have ever attended. The minister was so personal and the way he talked about marriage really spoke to my heart. He offered some words of wisdom to the couple, in the form of remembering to always see their parter as the whole person they are. Stand back, give your spouse space and admire everything that makes that person who they are and what they bring to your marriage. Then he continued on to share some beautiful characteristics of the bride and groom individually.

I felt very fortunate to witness this wedding ceremony so close to my anniversary because my wedding was on my mind. I do find in general, I have a greater appreciation for witnessing wedding vows after being married myself.

As we enjoyed the delicious wedding celebration dinner that night, Tyler and I quietly discussed that our wedding vows mean so much more to us today, than they did the day we got married. Sure we took the wedding ceremony seriously and participated in our pre wedding classes as instructed by our minister but the experiences of the last five years has placed more weight and value on our relationship.

I am grateful for everything Tyler and I have experienced over the last five years and honestly we have grown the most in our times of challenge. Celebration is easy, a blessing and welcomed with joy but our times of pressure have really refined us as a couple so far.

As we move through new milestones together and grow as individuals, I always want to see him for who he is, not just my husband but a man with admirable work ethics, a guys guy who likes to keep productive, an intelligent person who can find an efficient solution in most situations, a hands on dad who truly loves spending time with his family, someone who notices the little things and compliments on them often and an affectionate heart.

I am blessed to stand beside him, seeing him for all he is and holding his hand as we continue through life together.

Happy 5th Anniversary Tyler