I want to thank you for taking the time to visit my blog, watch my videos, read my posts, comment, and share them with your friends, I love sharing my story. My blog and online presence is becoming an even larger part of my life and business.

My blog is a place where I share honestly, I learn about myself and I put my trust in you. It can be a scary thing, to lay it all out for people to have opinions on but in my experience, the good far exceeds the bad. When I started my blog almost 4 years ago, I was just trying to sort out the thoughts in my head and now my blog has become a passion for me and something I have big dreams for.

You will notice ads on my site from time to time, or links directing you to sites if you are interested in  learning about the products I am talking about. These are marketing and affiliate partnerships that I have formed with specific brands.

I want you to know that your trust, is the most important thing to me when it comes to my blog and I would never share something with you, if I myself didn't believe in it or wouldn't spend my own money on it.

When you purchase from an affiliate link, the affiliate often makes a commission on the purchase or a set amount on the click, depending on the contract. By shopping from the links on my sites, for products you are interested in trying, you are supporting my business.

Anything I share with you, is a product that I would, or already have purchased with my own money and is something that I have tested before sharing with you.

I want to always be honest with you and share openly. Thank you for reading my blog and sharing my joinery through life with me, its a great ride and I am so happy to share my story.
