Luke - 1 Month Old

It's been an awesome adventure so far being a parent and this first month has flown by.

Luke, these are the things we loved most about you during this first month. 

Your fuzzy head and your skin is so soft, I love to hold you close to my face and rub my cheek on yours. 

Your grunts and squeaks are the best noises. 

When your waking up slowly you give us these big smiles that show off your dimples and make us forget how tired we are.  It makes me happy to know your happy! 

How peaceful you look when you sleep. 

How you feel when you fall asleep in my arms, fully trusting your whole body on mine. 

How big and bright your eyes are and how you are already trying to hold up your head. 

5:00am feedings. Dad has been working nights but when you wake up at 5, dad comes home shortly after and we all get to hang out for a bit and go back to bed together when you fall asleep.  Your dad is so excited to see you when he gets home from work. 

Thr angry face and noise you make, when I take the bottle out of your mouth half way through feeding to burp you. 

I love that you like eating, the first two weeks of breastfeeding were challenging but now that we have feeding figured out, you are so content most of the time. I hope you always have a healthy appetite and I can't wait to cook for you when you are bigger. 

Luke, you officially made your dad and I a family and we feel so blessed to have you!  We can't wait to see what next month holds.