Guest Blogger: Charlie Shares His Christmas
Hello, its Charlie again. My Grandma Brown was over for Christmas dinner yesterday and let me know that she really enjoys reading my blog posts and would love to hear from me more often so I thought I would write about my Christmas.
I have always loved Christmas, I love opening presents, I love to jump and run in the snow and it is the one time of year that I get to chat with my good friend Santa. Every year while mom and dad are asleep Santa stops by our house to drop off our gifts and fill our stockings. Once he is done his work he sits with me while he eats his cookies and we have a little chat.
He tells me about his night, what the weather has been like that evening in other countries and how the reindeer are doing. Santa really is the best because he always shares a bite of his cookie with me even though they have chocolate in them and mom and dad say I can't have chocolate.
This year Santa brought me two new toys and some of my favourite treats. Christmas day mom made turkey and I got some bites of that as well. Mom and dad are both off work for a week so we have been spending lots of time together playing, going for walks and snuggling. All in all it has been a great Christmas. Now you will have to excuse me, its time for my boxing day nap.
Enjoy the rest of your holidays.
Heather Audrey Lapier