I have been very fortunate this Spring/Summer to spend a lot of time with my out of town family, specifically those on my moms side.  My cousins and I have always been very close but over the last few months I think we have become evan closer.

The older I get, the more valuable my family becomes.  Every time we get together we have so much fun.  I have been wanting to write a post about my family for awhile but am finding it difficult to find the right words to describe our relationship.

We are family but we are also friends.  It is like the best of those two relationships mixed into one.  They are like friends because we always have such a great time together, we can count on one another and we take care of each other.  Because we are family and we all come from the same place, we have an understanding of one another that only a family member could have.

Sometimes I do things like over analyze something I have said or done and drive myself bonkers wishing I could take it back.  I ask myself "Why am I so crazy?"  Then I spend a weekend with my family and it becomes very clear why I am crazy, its because they are crazy and made me that way.

My aunts husband has a name for us that is probably his way of explaining our tight knit clan - Pethernation.  Pether is my moms maiden name.  When my Uncle Tim got married last month Craig exclaimed, "Pethernation has captured another one".

Despite our craziness and sometimes because of our craziness, I love my family.  I have such wonderful memories growing up with my cousins and I am so excited to experience more adventures with them as we all become adults.

Watch out - you might be the next one sucked into Pethernation.