To My Girlfriends
Sometimes it is difficult for us to make time for each other but we do and we know the importance of making that time a priority. I personally cant talk to anyone like I can a girlfriend. I was at a friends baby shower a few weeks ago. It is so wonderful to see your friends doing amazing things and living happy healthy lives. I did have a little selfish thought though - all these new things coming into our lives will make it more challenging for us to spend time together. I began to make a small mental "To Do" list to my girlfriends:
Never stop making time for each other.
Remind each other of the little girls we were (they are still inside us just waiting to be silly).
Remember that the gross things we talk about when its just us girls, could never be discussed with our husbands or boyfriends.
We are always on the same team.
Cheers to girlfriends.
Heather Audrey Lapier