Happy Fat Tuesday!
Today was Fat Tuesday and I sure got my fat on. Breakfast was nothing exciting because I slept in a little so a fast and easy granola bar was the solution. At lunch we were surprised with an in office pancake lunch. Our bosses girlfriend came to our office and set up an entire pancake station including strawberries, bananas, pie filling chocolate chips and whip cream. It was so delicious and such a nice surprise.
A few weeks ago I planned to take Belinda out for her birthday dinner to the all you can eat chinese food restaurant, Hana, and didn't even realize that our birthday feast landed on "Fat Tuesday". This gave us even more of a reason to gorge on all the great food at Hana.
I laughed at myself silently today because my Fat Tuesday was so fat that I actually had to remove the belt I was wearing after lunch because I was so full and it was digging into my sides. I slipped it off and into my bag, hopefully while no one was looking. That was a first.
So now we move into lent and I think I am going to give up alcohol (yes that includes my beloved wine) for the next 30 days. The point is to choose something that is difficult to give up and learn to lean on God instead of your vices, right? Well I am sure I have turned to a little glass of red for a sense of calm in the past and it probably wouldn't kill me to go without it over the next few weeks.
I am going to sleep on it and get back to you with what I decide to give up. Happy Fat Tuesday everyone!
Heather Audrey Lapier