Control Freak
Tyler and I were on our way to run some errands and he was driving as he normally does when we go somewhere together. There were two routes to get to our destination and as we approached the first option I felt the urge to yell out "Turn left here it's faster, don't you know where we are going?"
This was one of those rare moments when I processed my thoughts inside before blurting them out and decided it wasn't really that big of a deal, we would get there either way.
This intense feeling to control all the situations in my life has increased in the last five years. I am the oldest of 3 girls and have always been a little on the bossy side. I like to take care of others and organize things my way but even more so lately.
I have begun to feel out of control if certain chores are not taken care of before I do something fun. I normally do my cleaning on the weekend but if I know I am going to have a busy weekend I must get the cleaning done prior to Friday, otherwise I will obsess over the fact that my house is not in order.
I am wondering why this urge to control all things around me is magnified lately?
Food for thought, thanks for listening.
Heather Audrey Lapier