The Reality Of Right Now

Life is challenging right now.

My blessings are many but I also face real challenges these days as I am sure many of you do as well.

I have realized this new way of existing, holding awareness for blessings, privilege and joy and at the same time holding awareness of the struggles.

I rested really well on Saturday and enjoyed the slow. I woke up Sunday ready to move, pray, worship, count my blessings and plan the week ahead. As I listened to a sermon to strengthen my faith and lifted weights to strengthen my body, I realized, my little morning routine has truthfully become my battle cry. Some days its a celebration for sure but more often then not, this time in the morning doing good things are preparing me for the battles of these days.

These are my tools:

The Bible 

Bible Study

Sermons on YouTube 

Beach Body on Demand Workouts

My family and friend relationship 

Faith Community 

Fitness Community

Sometimes when I am worn out I turn to food to cope or Netflix and social media but I am learning more and more the power of harnessing these tools. If I don’t practice them most of my days too, I leave myself open for attack.

I believe there is a God with a good plan for our lives. I also believe there is an enemy who prowls the earth looking for opportunities to destroy. There are more windows of opportunity for his attacks right now, so the need to be ever more on guard is of utmost importance. The battles are in the spiritual realms too, we rarely see the enemy we battle but the enemy wants us to believe we should fight each other, he works for division.

Today I just want to ask you, how are you doing? How are you handling your battles? How are you strengthening yourself each day?

God is with us, He is a at work but we need to meet him in that work.