Kitchen Renovation Week One

Our kitchen renovation is in full swing now. We are actually two weeks into the project now but the first week of demo work is what is featured in this video. The project is evolving as we go and Tyler is so creative as he works on making our kitchen more functional and beautiful.

We are doing A LOT of talking through design and function and I would say, so far that is the most challenging thing for me. I like to make decisions and then see results but so much thought is required for each step. This project will be a great lesson in patience for me but above all I am excited and grateful.

I am excited to document this process because even looking back through this first week of work, I feel like I have already forgotten what the space looked like. Sometimes it is so easy for me to get caught up in where I want to go, I forget where I have been and the accomplishments that have been achieved. See, the life lessons from this project are already flowing.

I hope you guys enjoy this journey. If you have lived through a large home renovation, please leave tips below for keeping things calm and as regular as possible in the chaos.



Check out the video below for all the details on the first week of renos.