
Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb i knew you, before you were born I set you apart, I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.
You and I were each designed with a unique purpose, placed in this time, in this location with individual goals and passions for a specific reason.
Sharing is my passion and is one of my God given purposes This space is designed to inspire and encourage us both to live with purpose in all we do. I know that even the mundane tasks in my life hold value, done with purpose to honour the Lord, they will have great impact on those around me. I know this is true for you too.
This purposeful walk is not always easy, which is why I want us to be able to do it together. While our walks will look different, I want us to be able to stride beside each other, encouraging one another along the way.
If you feel different, you have been blessed. Step into your uniqueness and let’s walk with purpose together.
Lead the life you were made to live! You were made to live well.